What’s New?

The newest information

07/08/2003:The paper table was created. It adds at any time for every fiscal year.

04/30/2003The link to the bulletin table (from 1992 to up to 2002) of the Social Information Faculty by which the paper relevant to a "SORD project" was carried was stretched.

Numbers of the Cases

6/26/2003:The record about survey information was added.["The national survey on the sexual behavior of the young in Japan(Vol.2,Vol.3,Vol.4,Vol.5)"]

5/20/2003:The data information about "The national survey on the sexual behavior of the young in Japan(Vol.2,Vol.3,Vol.4,Vol.5)" has been added to Available Data Files Page. The available data files are accumulated to 16 cases.(Please wait for a little perusal of survey information.)

11/12/2000FAdditional 11 survey information have been collected. Now you can find 726 survey cases in our archive.

10/1/2000:Other 76 survey information are added. Now you can find 712 survey cases in our archive.

5/25/2000:The data information about "Researches on Families and Couples" (Directed by Japan Society of Family Sociology) has been added to <>Available Data Files Page.<> The available data files are accumulated to 12 cases.

5/25/2000: Other 18 survey information are added. Now you can find 636 cases in our archive.

From the Office

28/7/2003: Due to the computer maintenance, services will not be available from 9th Aug to 11th Aug.

14/7/2003: Due to the computer maintenance, services will not be available from July 14 noon to several hours.

10/11/2000: The computer maintenance has been finished. Thank you for your patience.

10/6/2000: Due to the computer maintenance, services will not be available from 7th Oct to 8th Oct.

10/1/2000: With request of a enthusiastic user, English pages have uploaded now. Please join us and make bookmark to this page, visit this page from time to time. We need your information, questions, and cooperation. Thank you.

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