What is ‚r‚n‚q‚c?

The Activities of SORD Office

Collecting Survey Data to Make Them Available on Internet This work is continuing. Deposit your data to us, please.

Publish the Report of This Project


SORD Project(ed.) 1996, Japanese Social and Opinion Surveys, vol.1-3.


This report is written in Japanese. If you wish to buy,contact us.

Publish on the Web


This site is the one.

EExamples of the data files

EProfile of the archive as a whole

Data Editing Support


Survey data editing is devastating task. We offer some help to you, under condition that you deposit the data to us. Contact us by Email .


Intermediate Your Correspondence

@ @

If you find out the data you wanted from this site, first contact us, not the original researcher(s). The office intermediates your correspondence, according to our publication policy.

Workshops on Sociological Research


Every year workshops has been held at Sapporo Gakuin University, inviting the authorities in the field of sociological research.


E2001 Workshop Program

copyright 1990-2002 SORD Office, Sapporo Gakuin Univ. | Email sord.of@earth.sgu.ac.jp | home ŒŸυ‰ζ–Κ‚Φ ŒfŽ¦”Β Ž––±‹Η