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-------------------- Begin of the Session ------------------

Your name :

The following items are needed for correspondence only.

(a)Your Department (Faculty, Department,Laboratory, etc.)


(b)Address, zipcode, phone number, Faxnumber(Home or Office)

(c)Email Address:


********** About the survey ************

(1)The name of the survey:


(2)Which field of the study the surveybelongs?
Cut and Paste the right answer.


−−−−−−−−−field of the study−−−−−−−−−−−−−


History of Sociology, Theories, Social Philosophy,


Social Transformation, Social Groups, Organizations,


Social Stratification, Social Class, Education,


Family Sociology, Community Studies, Regional Studies,


Urban Sociology, Life Structure, Politics, Social Movements,


Collective Actions, Education, Management and Labour,

Populations, Culture, Morals, Social Psycology, Communications,

informations, Symbols, Social Problems, Welfare and Medicals,

Social Development, Research methods, Economics,

Social Histories and anthoropogies, Law, Ethnicity and Nationalism,

Area Studies, Descriminations, Sex and Generations,

Science and Technology, Leisure and Sports,

Environmental Sociology, Other(     )


(3)The Outline of the survey (About 100 words)

(4)Keywords (Up to 5 )

(5)Representative Researcher:

(6)The Date of the Survey ( Year  Month 〜 Year Month)

(7)Indivisual research or collaboratedone? :

(8)Other researcher:

*****Profiles of the survey*****

A)Respondent Group

a. regions: b. sex c. age(    〜   )d. other

B)Sampling Methods:


C)Sampling Books

D)Survey methods:

Interview, Leave and pick up, Mail

Phone, Collective, Other(      )


E)Sample Numbers


number of response:,response rates:  %

F)Data style

a.Do you have questionnaire sheets?

b. Data are recorded in;

  1. Floppy Disks 
  2. MO Disks 
  3. HardDisks
  4. Other(     )
  5. None


G)System Files

 1.SPSS 2.SAS 3.Other(     )


I)Do you have Codebooks?

J)Do you permit to publish the informations? 

K)Published Papers as this survey

L)Other questions or suggestions?


 End of the Session


Thank you for your cooperation.

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