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  4. Department of Child Development

Department of Child Development

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The Department of Child Development is the only one of its kind in Hokkaido. It offers students an opportunity to learn about the psychological development and education of children. Students extensively study the development processes of human beings from childhood, and acquire specialized knowledge on the development and education of children through cooperation with the Department of Clinical Psychology. In the curriculum, students take specialized subjects in the following categories: Psychology and Development, Society, Welfare and Education. This is aimed at establishing a new approach to child development study by considering the lifetime development of humans from childhood through to adolescence, middle age and old age.

The department offers students practical curricula in which they can learn about the development of children through direct interaction with them. Students can then use the knowledge acquired in the field to make teaching plans. A number of teaching-related subjects essential for those aspiring to teach at elementary schools in the future are offered. Leading figures in the practice and research of each subject also give lectures on Teaching Methods. It is possible for students to manage their schedule to take enough credits to acquire a first-category teaching license for elementary schools on graduation, and we also offer a system that enables students to earn the credits required for graduation by taking courses offered in other faculties and departments.

Features of the Curriculum

Computer Use by Children (1st and 2nd year)

Computers and the internet have been installed for use in elementary schools nationwide. This course provides a better understanding of the risks and morality issues of the Internet, and students consider how children can utilize it as a tool for learning, as well as how computers can be utilized with children as the main focus.

Creativity and Child Development (1st and 2nd year)

The purpose of this course is to introduce and study examples of what children experience and learn through playing with clay and building blocks. It also has students consider what they are doing from the children's point of view by actually creating things with them.

The Rights of Children and Education (1st and 2nd year)

What is the Convention on the Rights of the Child? What is the situation with the rights of children around the world? This course interprets the content of the Convention and the structure of the rights of the child by investigating the real situation of children in northern and southern parts of the world and the catalysts behind the creation of the Convention. Students experimentally understand from examples what is needed in terms of the rights of Japanese children, and learn about the implementation of education on rights around the world based on the spirit of the Convention to gain an idea of future development.

Curriculum by Academic Year

Curriculum List / Department of Child Development

  First year Second year Third year Fourth year
Graduation requirements
Liberal Arts Subjects
Basic Subjects
English IA (1)
English IIA (1)
English IB (1)
English IIB (1)
English III A (1)
English IV A (1)
English III B (1)
English IVB (1)
Computer Basics A (2)
Computer Basics B (2)
Writing and Composition A (2)
Writing and Composition B (2)
Humanities, Society, Health, Natural Sciences
Bio and Environmental Ethics (2)
Japanese History (2)
Cinema Culture (2)
World Folk Music (2)
Eastern Art (2)
European Art (2)
Human Language Mechanisms (2)
Japanese Literature (2)
Japan’s Constitution (2)
Education (2)
Modern Welfare (2)
Psychology (2)
Health Science (2)
General Psychology (2)
Geography (2)
Earth Sciences (2)
Biosciences (2)
Wildlife in Hokkaido (2)
At least 24 credits
Sports A (2) Sports B (2)
Specialized Subjects Psychology and Development
Development Psychology A (2)
Development Psychology B (2)
Children’s Development and Culture (2)
Manufacturing and Children’s Development (2)
The Natural Environment and Children (2)
Psychology of Development I (2)
Psychology of Development II (2)
At least 68 credits 
General Clinical Psychology Theory A (2)
Personality Theory (2)
Children and Computer Use (2)
Psychology Research Methods A (Experiments and Study Methods) (2)
Psychology Research Methods B (Psychological Statistics) (2)
Educational Psychology A (2)
Educational Psychology B (2)
Cognitive Psychology (2)
Regional Children Management Practice (2)
Communication and Child Development (2)
Child Development and Nutrition (2)
Child Development and Art (2)
Social Psychology A (2)
Social Psychology B (2)
Special Lecture on Children A (2)
Special Lecture on Children B (2)
Society, Welfare and Education 
General Education for Disabled Children (2)
Social Education Planning (4)
Basic Teacher Practice (2)
Special Needs Education Theory (2)
Research into Social Education Issues I (2)
Research into Social Education Issues II (2)
Practical Teacher Training (Small) (2) 
Social Welfare Theory A (2)
Social Welfare Theory B (2)
Introduction to Teaching (2)
Educational Counseling (2)
Child Development and Education (2)
Children’s Rights and Education (2)
General Education Theory (2)
Morality Education Research (2)
Special Research Activities (2)
Student Instruction Theory (2)
Social Disabilities (2)
Family Needs Theory (2)
Welfare Theory for Children (2)
Special Welfare Theory for Children (2)
Welfare Theory for the Disabled (2)
Educational Sociology (2)
Family Sociology (2)
Educational Methodology and Techniques (2)
School Psychology (2)
Arithmetic Instruction Methods (2)
Science Instruction Methods (2)
Sociology Instruction Methods (2)
Lifestyle Science Instruction Methods (2)
Art Instruction Methods (2)
Home Economics Instruction Methods (2)
Physical Education Instruction Methods (2)
General Health Education Theory (2)
School Administration Theory (2)
Curriculum Theory (2)
Special Teacher Practice (2)
Japanese Language Instruction Methods (2)
Music Instruction Methods (2)
Nursing Care Experience (1)
Counseling Aid (2)
Social Disabilities (2)

Principles of Childcare (2)
Childcare Provider Theory (2)
Childcare Curriculum Theory (2)
Childcare Practice II (2)
Childcare Practice Instruction II (2)
Childcare Practical Training (2)
General Childcare (2) Childcare B (Communication) (2)
Childcare Counseling Aid (2)
 Physical Expression A (2)
Physical Expression B (2)
Lingual Expression (2)
Music Expression A (2)
Music Expression B (2)
Formative Expression A (2)
Formative Expression B (2)
Childcare A (Health and Environment (2)
Childcare C (Language and Expression) (2)
Infant Childcare Practice (2)
Disabled Childcare Practical Training (2)
Childcare Practical Training Instruction I (2)
Childcare Practical Training IA (2)
Childcare Practical Training 1B (2)
Children’s Health C (2)
Children’s Health A (2)
Children’s Health B (2)
Basic Seminar on Child Development A (2)
Basic Seminar on Child Development B (2)
Specialized Seminar A (2)
Specialized Seminar B (2)
Graduate Research (4)
Must complete 12 credits
Elective Subjects
Credits taken beyond the required amount for liberal arts subjects and specialized subjects
Credits taken in other liberal arts subjects offered by the university
Credits taken in specialized subjects offered by other departments
Subjects with a curator
Subjects with a social education expert
At least 20 credits
Elementary School Teacher Curriculum General Arithmetic (2)
General Science (2)
General Sociology (2)
Music I (2)
Music II (2)
General Home Economics (2)
Children’s Physical Education I (2)
Children’s Physical Education II (2)
General Japanese Language I (2)
General Japanese Language II (2)
General Lifestyle Science (2)
At least 8 credits other than Practical Training in Education
  Art I (2)
Art II (2)
Practical Training in Education (5)
*Curriculum for students enrolling in or after the 2015 academic year
Parenthesises indicate the number of credits


The department focuses on fundamental and modern issues regarding the development and education of children and looks at the lifetime development of humans through childhood, adolescence, middle age and old age. This is a new academic field. Based on this academic philosophy, we foster students with a high level of expertise and rich character which will help them to contribute to education and a wide range of development support for children.

Educational Goals

  1. To address issues regarding children's development and education by focusing on their future from the broad viewpoint of human development, and conduct teaching and research through association with families, schools and cultures.
  2. To develop students who can contribute to school education, child-raising support in the community and special-needs education by cultivating educational theories and practical skills through cooperation with schools and the community.